Simple Presence

Simple Presence

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Meditation Moment

Most of us most of the time are run by, dominated by our thoughts or feelings. It follows that we tend to think we are those thoughts and feeling. If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are.
Meditation is the route to that knowing.

Meditation is the state of simply being, just pure experiencing, with no interference from the body or mind. Through  Meditation, we detach ourselves from this false world and immerse ourselves in reality. 

Meditation is not necessary a new experience, artists know it – through singing, painting, playing music. We can know it through gardening, playing with the kids, walking on the beach or making love.
Meditation is a natural state and one that you have almost certainly tasted, although perhaps without knowing the name of the flavor.


Everyone is a BUDDHA

   "All of life is inherently sacred—unfolding perfectly beyond any humanly organized intention, religion, ritual or dogma.
There is no doubt that all the life-forms within creation are imbued and suffused with life-force, prana(life, vitality of the spirit) and presence—and there are no exceptions to this truth.
Even inanimate substance such as rock with its slowed down vibration is composed of prana and intelligent presence.
   Everything in our universe is unrelentingly now and forever, spirit’s presence. Every “thing” and every “one” is what we call God. There is no such thing as “not God.”
Everyone sees it. They might say, “I don’t see it even though I want to.” The fact is everyone sees and knows it at some level of their being. But their egos get in the way and won’t let them know that they see it.  Ah yes, it is the ego, that artificial construct of the human mind, born of our supposed fall into separation and limitation—that rules the moment when we lost our ability to see and know the truth.
  The ego birthed our blindness to the ultimate truth of existence. How is it possible that we do not recognize the essence from which we are inherently made?
What irony! Subtle essence lies just on the edge of our awareness in the shadows of our subconscious awareness. We may catch flashes of it once in awhile, yet we doubt its existence so much that we allow the ego mind to suppress the “seeing.” The doubt itself is part of the ego’s self-condemnation into the punishing state of separation.
  Are we ready to rectify that mistake now? Spirit’s call to us to become aware of the sacredness of life is ongoing, always present in the subtle caves and heavens of our unconscious mind and thus locked out of most people’s reach. When one fully says “Yes” to the direct perception of the sacred in everything, something truly fascinating happens.
  Dormant circuits begin to light up in our awareness and a new level of “seeing” starts entering our perception. Love is the force that connects and joins every seemingly separate thing back together.
When we are in love, we are connected up with oneness. The choice to pull back—to enter conflict and see an enemy outside oneself—is the choice to separate.
  The path of love is a long and challenging journey but is always worth every arduous step, because it leads us into unity with ONE-Self. It takes strength to hold love and its eternal viewpoint in the face of the tribulations we are seeing all around us.
Yet if we can come to accept that we are each a Buddha, we can hold everyone in compassion with their choices."

by Leslie Temple