Simple Presence

Simple Presence

Friday, 22 April 2011

Polarities Processing & Squares Technique


‘In this accelerated time, you must have some method of processing the ego in order to stay on track with your path of transformation and spiritual awakening. Any way of processing that works for you is fine, as long as you do it regularly! You will not be able to ascend into "unity consciousness" and leave the old system without some practice way of letting go and dissolving.’ Leslie Temple Thurston

The method of processing can help to see hidden sides of our personalities and thus awakens us to all the unconscious programs we run. Processing is a form of self-inquiry, a way of looking at our egoic self. "Ego" refers to the personality structure, which results from childhood and worldly conditioning.   

The term "to process" means to examine and inquire deeply into the nature of our conditioned and unbalanced egoic programming with the intention of moving our awareness into balance and truth. We process our consciousness in order to become clear and ultimately to find our wholeness.
This technique brings awareness to our mental and emotional programmes which are often " triggered" by the external events in our lives. It is useful for exposing  core beliefs that separate us from our true relationship with the Divine. 

All that is required for this technique to work is a simple willingness to really see ourselves. This creates the space in which we can access the neutral “witness” to all of life’s dramas.
During the treatment of the process, the healer guides the recipient to investigate for themselves into the ideas and personal beliefs. 
This can be a deeply profound experience.

Individual / Group Sessions and Workshops

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