“We believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe, and it is through love that the world will change. Love never divides. It always multiplies.” Leslie Temple-Thurston
Simple Presence
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
What is Polarity Processing and Why do it?
What Is Processing and Why Do It?
Processing is a form of self-inquiry.
The term to process means to examine and to inquire deeply into the nature of our conditioned and unbalanced egoic patterning with the intention of finding the truth.
We process our consciousness in order to become clear and to find our wholeness.
We must let go of all extraneous baggage and streamline the system of mind, body and emotions to make the maximum use of our time and energy.
To function to the best of our ability in this world, we must be willing to do some letting go and some clearing work to make space for the pace of life.
The energies moving into the world and through all of us at the moment reflect an enormously
speeded up evolution.
Processing allows us a more fluid consciousness and an ability to flow with the changes in daily life.
It frees us from being stuck in the past and from struggling with our goals for the future.
A cleared consciousness is the most valuable asset in this life.
It allows us to cope really effectively with life’s challenges.
It means our awareness is more flexible and free. We have the resources of insight, creativity, enormously increased energy and an intensity of purpose to take us into success in whatever
life situation we seek.
Being rigid, blocked, and without inspiration and energy is a dead-end street in the modern world.
Processing is about creating balance in the mind, emotions and body. On the journey from ignorance
to knowledge, all are of equal importance.
Processing and clearing emotional turmoil means a letting go of all the old reactivity and stored
emotional memories. This leads to a refining of the consciousness of the heart and allows the higher
emotions to be expressed—states such as gratitude, unconditional love, generosity, humility,
compassion and forgiveness.
Processing is also a way of seeing into the unconscious, which helps us to let go of imbalances in the
mind. Traditionally there have been a number of ways of seeing into the unconscious—for example,
dream analysis, rebirthing and past-life regression.
These are all popular and valid ways of expanding awareness.
Processing is a very fast path to spiritual awakening.
How Far Do You Want To Go with Processing?
How far you want to go with this clearing work is a matter of choice and depends on the commitments you are ready to make.
The clearing takes place gradually, gaining more momentum with time and creating mini-awakenings along the way.
However, processing the personality works just as well for the individual who simply wants
to overturn a few problematical stones. If you are seeking full awakening, in time you will have to look at every minute aspect of the personality.
The Benefits of Processing
There are many benefits to processing, which range from the concrete and worldly to the spiritual.
As you move through the sessions and learn how to process really, try to notice what improvements are manifesting in your life. The following list names a few of the benefits of processing.
Worldly benefits:
• Having fewer personality clashes with others
• Healing of physical, mental or emotional traumas—past or present
• Increased ability to deal gracefully with anger and volatile emotions (yours and others)
• Greater harmony and equanimity inside and out
• More energy to use for things that bring you joy
• Feeling less drained
• Higher level of productivity
• More creativity
• Better communication skills
• Increased vocabulary
• Ability to resolve conflicts more easily
• Ability to let go of counter-productive, obsessive and self-destructive behavior patterns
• Greater tolerance, love, compassion and appreciation for other people and for the world around you
• More fulfilling work
• More fulfilling relationships
• Ability to let go of negativity and fear
• Increased flow of abundance
• Increased spirit of generosity
• Greater focus, mindfulness, awareness and insight
Spiritual benefits:
• Ability to live with an open heart
• A more tangible connection to the soul
• Greater alignment with your highest path
• Wisdom
• Psychic ability
• Purity of mind and heart
• Knowledge and experience of the connectedness of all things
• Experience of the peace that passeth all understanding (known in the East as samadhi)
• Experience of the magic healing power of grace
• Greater devotion to spirit
• Bliss states (known in the East as ananda)
• Greater and greater levels of spiritual awakening, or enlightenment
Asking for Grace
In the processing work grace has a powerful and essential part to play. The fusing and unifying of
opposites takes place because of the subtle mystery of grace. As you do the integrative work and
surrender it to grace, she comes in and assists in the reorganizing process.
* Humans are like pack rats when it comes to holding onto things in the mind. This old and excess
baggage tends to replay in the mind, often consciously and mostly subconsciously, just below your
surface awareness. When you try to find your spiritual self by becoming quiet and meditating, you find that these thoughts just beep and beep constantly.
Try as you might, you cannot shut them off. They will not shut off until you have taken the time to clear out the old stored stuff that is the source of the thought forms.
These methods do that. They help clear the clutter and make way for the presence of oneness and
unity to be felt—so palpably that eventually you will feel it right down into your body.
Sharing moment of Truth!
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