Simple Presence

Simple Presence

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Meditation Moment

Most of us most of the time are run by, dominated by our thoughts or feelings. It follows that we tend to think we are those thoughts and feeling. If you want to live a more fulfilled life, first you will want to know your potential, who you really are.
Meditation is the route to that knowing.

Meditation is the state of simply being, just pure experiencing, with no interference from the body or mind. Through  Meditation, we detach ourselves from this false world and immerse ourselves in reality. 

Meditation is not necessary a new experience, artists know it – through singing, painting, playing music. We can know it through gardening, playing with the kids, walking on the beach or making love.
Meditation is a natural state and one that you have almost certainly tasted, although perhaps without knowing the name of the flavor.


Everyone is a BUDDHA

   "All of life is inherently sacred—unfolding perfectly beyond any humanly organized intention, religion, ritual or dogma.
There is no doubt that all the life-forms within creation are imbued and suffused with life-force, prana(life, vitality of the spirit) and presence—and there are no exceptions to this truth.
Even inanimate substance such as rock with its slowed down vibration is composed of prana and intelligent presence.
   Everything in our universe is unrelentingly now and forever, spirit’s presence. Every “thing” and every “one” is what we call God. There is no such thing as “not God.”
Everyone sees it. They might say, “I don’t see it even though I want to.” The fact is everyone sees and knows it at some level of their being. But their egos get in the way and won’t let them know that they see it.  Ah yes, it is the ego, that artificial construct of the human mind, born of our supposed fall into separation and limitation—that rules the moment when we lost our ability to see and know the truth.
  The ego birthed our blindness to the ultimate truth of existence. How is it possible that we do not recognize the essence from which we are inherently made?
What irony! Subtle essence lies just on the edge of our awareness in the shadows of our subconscious awareness. We may catch flashes of it once in awhile, yet we doubt its existence so much that we allow the ego mind to suppress the “seeing.” The doubt itself is part of the ego’s self-condemnation into the punishing state of separation.
  Are we ready to rectify that mistake now? Spirit’s call to us to become aware of the sacredness of life is ongoing, always present in the subtle caves and heavens of our unconscious mind and thus locked out of most people’s reach. When one fully says “Yes” to the direct perception of the sacred in everything, something truly fascinating happens.
  Dormant circuits begin to light up in our awareness and a new level of “seeing” starts entering our perception. Love is the force that connects and joins every seemingly separate thing back together.
When we are in love, we are connected up with oneness. The choice to pull back—to enter conflict and see an enemy outside oneself—is the choice to separate.
  The path of love is a long and challenging journey but is always worth every arduous step, because it leads us into unity with ONE-Self. It takes strength to hold love and its eternal viewpoint in the face of the tribulations we are seeing all around us.
Yet if we can come to accept that we are each a Buddha, we can hold everyone in compassion with their choices."

by Leslie Temple

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

What is Polarity Processing and Why do it?


What Is Processing and Why Do It?

Processing is a form of self-inquiry.

The term to process means to examine and to inquire deeply into the nature of our conditioned and unbalanced egoic patterning with the intention of finding the truth.
We process our consciousness in order to become clear and to find our wholeness.

We must let go of all extraneous baggage and streamline the system of mind, body and emotions to make the maximum use of our time and energy.

To function to the best of our ability in this world, we must be willing to do some letting go and some clearing work to make space for the pace of life.

The energies moving into the world and through all of us at the moment reflect an enormously
speeded up evolution.

Processing allows us a more fluid consciousness and an ability to flow with the changes in daily life.

It frees us from being stuck in the past and from struggling with our goals for the future.
A cleared consciousness is the most valuable asset in this life.

It allows us to cope really effectively with life’s challenges.

It means our awareness is more flexible and free. We have the resources of insight, creativity, enormously increased energy and an intensity of purpose to take us into success in whatever
life situation we seek.

Being rigid, blocked, and without inspiration and energy is a dead-end street in the modern world.

Processing is about creating balance in the mind, emotions and body. On the journey from ignorance
to knowledge, all are of equal importance.

Processing and clearing emotional turmoil means a letting go of all the old reactivity and stored
emotional memories. This leads to a refining of the consciousness of the heart and allows the higher
emotions to be expressed—states such as gratitude, unconditional love, generosity, humility,
compassion and forgiveness. 

Processing is also a way of seeing into the unconscious, which helps us to let go of imbalances in the
mind. Traditionally there have been a number of ways of seeing into the unconscious—for example,
dream analysis, rebirthing and past-life regression.

These are all popular and valid ways of expanding awareness.

Processing is a very fast path to spiritual awakening.

How Far Do You Want To Go with Processing?

 How far you want to go with this clearing work is a matter of choice and depends on the commitments you are ready to make.

 The clearing takes place gradually, gaining more momentum with time and creating mini-awakenings along the way.

However, processing the personality works just as well for the individual who simply wants
to overturn a few problematical stones. If you are seeking full awakening, in time you will have to look at every minute aspect of the personality.

The Benefits of Processing

There are many benefits to processing, which range from the concrete and worldly to the spiritual.
As you move through the sessions and learn how to process really, try to notice what improvements are manifesting in your life. The following list names a few of the benefits of processing.

Worldly benefits:

• Having fewer personality clashes with others
• Healing of physical, mental or emotional traumas—past or present
• Increased ability to deal gracefully with anger and volatile emotions (yours and others)
• Greater harmony and equanimity inside and out
• More energy to use for things that bring you joy
• Feeling less drained
• Higher level of productivity
• More creativity
• Better communication skills
• Increased vocabulary
• Ability to resolve conflicts more easily
• Ability to let go of counter-productive, obsessive and self-destructive behavior patterns
• Greater tolerance, love, compassion and appreciation for other people and for the world around you
• More fulfilling work
• More fulfilling relationships
• Ability to let go of negativity and fear
• Increased flow of abundance
• Increased spirit of generosity
• Greater focus, mindfulness, awareness and insight

Spiritual benefits:

• Ability to live with an open heart
• A more tangible connection to the soul
• Greater alignment with your highest path
• Wisdom
• Psychic ability
• Purity of mind and heart
• Knowledge and experience of the connectedness of all things
• Experience of the peace that passeth all understanding (known in the East as samadhi)
• Experience of the magic healing power of grace
• Greater devotion to spirit
• Bliss states (known in the East as ananda)
• Greater and greater levels of spiritual awakening, or enlightenment

Asking for Grace

In the processing work grace has a powerful and essential part to play. The fusing and unifying of
opposites takes place because of the subtle mystery of grace. As you do the integrative work and
surrender it to grace, she comes in and assists in the reorganizing process.

* Humans are like pack rats when it comes to holding onto things in the mind. This old and excess
baggage tends to replay in the mind, often consciously and mostly subconsciously, just below your
surface awareness. When you try to find your spiritual self by becoming quiet and meditating, you find that these thoughts just beep and beep constantly.

Try as you might, you cannot shut them off. They will not shut off until you have taken the time to clear out the old stored stuff that is the source of the thought forms.

These methods do that. They help clear the clutter and make way for the presence of oneness and
unity to be felt—so palpably that eventually you will feel it right down into your body.

Sharing moment of Truth!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Flowering Ireland: Violet Flame, Archangel Michael prayers, decrees,Invocations

Flowering Ireland: Violet Flame, Archangel Michael prayers, decrees,Invocations

Sharing moment

Violet Flame, Archangel Michael prayers, decrees,Invocations

A way to call forth divine direction in our life:

I AM life of God direction

Blaze thy light of truth in me
Focus here all God's perfection
Frrom all discord set me free
Make and keep me anchored ever
In the Justice of thy Plan
IAM The Presence of Perfection
Living the Life of God in man!             
A decree That re-inforces Archangel Michael's protection in your life and increases the qualities of divine faith and God's will:

Light's Protection Manifest
Holy Brotherhood in Light
Light of God that never fails
Keep us your in your Perfect Sight
(refrain-repeat between verses)
IAM IAM IAM Protections Mighty Power
IAM IAM IAM Guarded Every Hour
IAM IAM IAM Perfections Mighty Shower
Manifest, Manifest, Manifest!
Lord Michael, Mighty and True 
Guard us with Your Sword of Blue
Keep us Centered in the Light's
Blazing Armor Shining Bright!
Around Us Blaze Thy sword of Faith
Mighty Power of Holy Grace,
IAm Invincible Protection Always
Pouring from Thy Dazzling Rays!

Saint Germain's Instruction to Invoke Light
Let There Be Light Where IAM that IAM!
Let There Be Light Where IAM that IAM!
Let There Be Light Where IAM that IAm!
Violet Flame

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Flowering Ireland: Kundalini Yoga

Flowering Ireland: Kundalini Yoga

Sharing moment

Kundalini Yoga

The Kundalini is untapped energy (prana) at the base of the spine that can be drawn up through the body awakening each of the seven chakras. Full enlightenment occurs when this energy reaches the Crown Chakra. Kundalini energy is often represented as a snake coiled at the base of the spine.

Focus on Breath and Movement
Each Kundalini Yoga asana  series is done in conjunction with a specific breath that intensifies the effects of the poses with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. Kundalini sequences (called Kriyas) may consist of rapid, repetitive movements done with breath or holding a pose while breathing in a particular way. 

What to Expect in a Kundalini Class
A Kundalini class begins with a short chant followed by a warm-up to stretch the spine and improve flexibility. The main work of the class is called a kriya, which is a proscribed sequence of poses and pranayama that focuses on a specific area of the body. The teacher typically does not make manual adjustments. The class ends with a meditation, which may be accompanied by the teacher playing a large gong, and a closing song. Kundalini devotees often wear flowing white robes and head wraps. 

Is Kundalini for You?
Kundalini is one of the more spiritual types of yoga. It goes beyond the physical performance of poses with its emphasis on breathing, meditation,mudras and chanting. However, the Kundalini sequences can be very physically intense. This type of yoga appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Polarity Processing and Impecability

Processing is useful when you need to unravel the issues so that you can gain a greater understanding of the situation. 
Impecability helps us to build our energy, and make changes in our lives. So,impeccability as the ability to use, direct, and store energy perfectly.
Many of our perceived limitations stem from our childhood conditioning. This conditioning forms the belief system that holds the ego in place. The practice of self-inquiry and processing helps us to discover and question these beliefs. Cultivating a strong Witness is essential to being able to detach from negative and excessive thought patterns. Becoming capable of quieting the mind allows for deeper experiences of divine presence and freedom. It allows us to ascend in consciousness and enter Samadhi.  
Being impecable in each moment help us to get in contact to our inner energy.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Polarities Processing & Squares Technique


‘In this accelerated time, you must have some method of processing the ego in order to stay on track with your path of transformation and spiritual awakening. Any way of processing that works for you is fine, as long as you do it regularly! You will not be able to ascend into "unity consciousness" and leave the old system without some practice way of letting go and dissolving.’ Leslie Temple Thurston

The method of processing can help to see hidden sides of our personalities and thus awakens us to all the unconscious programs we run. Processing is a form of self-inquiry, a way of looking at our egoic self. "Ego" refers to the personality structure, which results from childhood and worldly conditioning.   

The term "to process" means to examine and inquire deeply into the nature of our conditioned and unbalanced egoic programming with the intention of moving our awareness into balance and truth. We process our consciousness in order to become clear and ultimately to find our wholeness.
This technique brings awareness to our mental and emotional programmes which are often " triggered" by the external events in our lives. It is useful for exposing  core beliefs that separate us from our true relationship with the Divine. 

All that is required for this technique to work is a simple willingness to really see ourselves. This creates the space in which we can access the neutral “witness” to all of life’s dramas.
During the treatment of the process, the healer guides the recipient to investigate for themselves into the ideas and personal beliefs. 
This can be a deeply profound experience.

Individual / Group Sessions and Workshops

Monday, 28 February 2011

Shantala Massage Technique


Shantala massage is a very well respected ancient massage that has been passed on in India from generation to generation for centuries.
This massage is suitable for all babies and children and is specific with its simple and mesmerizing rhythmical moves that stimulate senses and induce very relaxing effects on the child. 
It is performed with baby oils while the baby lies on the soft, clean and comfortable mattress.
The Shantala massage technique is performed without any muscle work and manipulation, so it is very safe for every child.

¥Sessions with the mother/father, Workshops and also Course Training

Ritualistic Belly Dance


       Ritualistic Belly Dance- Express yourself  DANCING

Ritualistic Belly dance focuses on bringing us  back to our femininity. It mixes the traditional technique with the sacred rites of the old civilizations.   

This class is designed to all women who want to rediscover beauty and self acceptance.   
Going back to love our bodies unconditionally and to accept  the way we are, with care and with joy, regardless of the false images society portrays at this current time.

Every woman has intrinsic power of self expression, let’s use it.

*No prior Belly Dance experience needed

Transcendental Keys Technique

                            TRANSCENDENTAL KEYS

Transcendental keys cleans your energetic field of old beliefs, thoughts, old patterns, recurring negative behavioural patterns. Through a guided meditation, the therapist assists the recipient to explore their inner world bringing awareness and light to area of darkness within. 

This energetic healing can induce feelings of profound peace, freedom and inner stillness. Very often one experiences a connectedness to the Universe, growing freedom and an authentic experience of self.

In the session the client will be in total relaxation, opening up in the sweet surrender to the spiritual journey. The Transcendental key can also be a compliment to the Polarities Processing & Squares technique.

( That method was created by Leslie Temple Thurston. Leslie was born and raised in South Africa. In her late twenties and thirties she found the inner pull of the mystic life to be her path, and surrendered her beloved art to give herself completely to the fulltime study of mysticism and transformation. In 1977 moved to America and it started her studies of ancient wisdom through meditation, yogic teachings and spiritual psychology. Leslie’s dedication to spirit resulted in a two-year “cave experience”, which culminated in April of 1988 when she experienced the dissolution of her old ego identity and a profound awakening.)

* I give individual sessions and group sessions in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Reiki treatments in Belfast

REIKI HEALING - Usui Traditional System

Reiki is a spiritual practice developed by Japanese Buddhist Dr. Mikao Usui. The word ‘Reiki’ means Universal Life Energy.
The process involves the movement of Reiki energy being guided through the hands of the healer to the recipient.
Some Of The Reiki Healing Health Benefits:
  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,
  • It accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities,
  • Aids better sleep,                                                     
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Can help with acute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions,
  • Helps relieve pain,
  • Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony,
  • Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins,
  • Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy,
  • Supports the immune system,
  • Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing 
Individual Sessions, Course Training ( First, second and Master Degree)